Your TikTok feed may soon feature 30-minute videos

Your TikTok feed may soon feature 30-minute videos

TikTok went from short and sweet to YouTube-length videos a while ago. Now, the app may soon increase post limits again — this time to 30 minutes.

The latest option, to upload a video lasting up to half an hour, was spotted by social media consultant Matt Navarra on the iOS beta version of the app in the UK, as reported by TechCrunch. The test comes right after TikTok upped its previous 10-minute maximum to 15 minutes, back in October 2023.

This expansion signals TikTok’s intent to be a go-to spot for all content: the app has, for instance, made a major splash in the music industry, even launching in its music streaming service in several countries.

But this latest move seems to indicate TikTok looking beyond YouTube to the broader landscape, with 30-minute videos more aligned with run-times of streaming services, from Netflix to Max. When it comes to longer content, there’s a rising group of users watching entire movies and TV shows on TikTok through short snippets. Look no further than Paramount’s release of Mean Girls on the app, posting the movie in 23 instalments for fans to devour on “Mean Girls Day”, or the official account for The Sopranos posting 25-second episode summaries to mark the show’s 25th anniversary.


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With the latest news, it looks like TikTok is coming for more platforms — and more of your time.

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